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Although most have stepped away from SMS for personal interactions, interactions with businesses via SMS are on the rise with many companies looking to invest in SMS communication, particularly since the pandemic.

SMS marketing 

SMS marketing is the use of SMS to send marketing messages to opt-in recipients and is best used for short and to-the-point messages, such as personalized promotions and discounts. Often, businesses choose SMS over other marketing channels for its engaging and cost-efficient benefits.   

Here is a great example by fashion brand, Jenni Kayne.

SMS Marketing Example Sales and promos

SMS for notification purposes

Sometimes, you need to tell your existing customers some really important information, and you need to tell them ASAP. According to Mobile Monkey, SMS messages are read instantly (the majority of the time), making them the most effective for time-sensitive updates, such as Status and company updates.

Here’s a great example from an airline, pretty important, right?

SMS Marketing Example Status updates

Or perhaps you just want to remind your customers of an appointment or plan. These types of SMS notifications are particularly useful and used often in the health industry as missed appointments are both costly and inconvenient. According to powerdiary, this proactive approach to reminding your customers of an appointment works better than other strict cancelation policies.

SMS Marketing Example Appointment reminders

Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS work in the same way as transactional email. They occur after an action has been taken, such as signups, shipping confirmation, 2FA login attempts, and password resets

SMS Marketing Example Welcome message

SMS Marketing Example Security code

As you can see, there are many different ways to incorporate SMS into your regular updates and communications with customers.

SMTP2GO’s own SMS feature is now live for transactional and marketing. This is now the required method for sending email-SMS as sending to an external SMS gateway is no longer supported.

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