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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Know your CCs from Your BCCs

You’ve crafted the perfect email: it’s clear, professional and just the right touch of charm. Now comes the final step—sending it out. But should you CC or BCC your recipients? Making the wrong choice can lead to email mishaps and even privacy concerns. Let’s break down the differences between CC and BCC, their appropriate uses […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Unlocking the Power of List-Unsubscribe Headers for Seamless Email Management

Are your subscribers struggling to find the unsubscribe link buried in your email footer (and no, that’s not a good thing)? The answer to streamlined unsubscribe requests lies in list-unsubscribe headers, a game-changer for email marketers. What Are List-Unsubscribe Headers? A list-unsubscribe header is an email header containing specific unsubscribe instructions. This allows email clients […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Using Alt Text Can Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Enhancing your email marketing strategy with alt text is a game-changer. Alt text, short for alternative text, is a brief description added to images in your emails. When images don’t load, this small piece of text ensures your message still gets through. Here’s why it’s essential and how to use it effectively: Why Alt Text […]

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unable to verify sender address
  • Email Delivery & Tips

Troubleshoot “Unable to Verify Sender Address” Errors with SMTP2GO

Have you ever encountered a “550 unable to verify sender address” or “550 Sender verify failed” error while attempting to send an email? These cryptic messages can leave you scratching your head, wondering what exactly went wrong. Don’t worry, we’re here to shed light on this issue and guide you through understanding and resolving it. […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Infographic: Let’s Talk Ports!

We frequently encounter questions such as, “Which port should I use?” or “Why the sudden need to switch ports when everything worked perfectly yesterday?” Admittedly, these questions aren’t straightforward to address. Why, you ask? Surprisingly, it’s not solely within the control of an external SMTP provider. Factors such as your Internet Service Provider (ISP), firewalls, […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

A Look at Conversational Marketing

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, traditional marketing methods face increasing challenges in capturing and retaining customer attention. As consumers become more selective about the brands they engage with, businesses must adapt their strategies to meet evolving expectations. One of the game-changers in today’s fast-paced digital arena is conversational marketing. What is Conversational Marketing? It’s a […]

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