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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Dedicated or Shared IP: Which One Is for You?

An Internet Protocol address, more commonly known as an IP address, is a unique set of numbers assigned to a device on the internet or local network. When it comes to sending emails, you can use a dedicated IP or a shared IP. But what’s the difference, and which is the right choice for you? […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

How to Warm Up an IP Address

When you first start to send emails using a sparkling new IP address (or range of IP addresses), it is extremely important to up the ante when it comes to email best practices in order to keep your emails out of your recipients’ spam folders, even if you are simply switching email service providers. The […]

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How to stay out of the Spam folder
  • Email Delivery & Tips

How to Stay Out of the Spam Folder

Believe it or not, after significant digital changes, social media platforms introduced and umpteen marketing tools available, email is one of the most powerful tools used to reach your clients and subscribers each and every day. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that your emails land in the inbox. SMTP2GO is dedicated to inbox delivery and are […]

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  • Email Delivery & Tips

Which is Best: A Shared IP Address or a Dedicated IP Address?

Deliverability is still a challenge for most email senders. ReturnPath reports only one in five emails makes it to the inbox. Will a shared IP address or a dedicated IP address help? ReturnPath’s Deliverability Benchmark Report shows some industries are having an especially hard time getting their emails read. Only 43% of the emails sent by […]

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