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Need help with setup, or have a technical question? Find your answers in our Technical FAQ.


What is the difference between a free account and a paid account?

Free accounts come with a monthly allowance of 1,000 emails and a limit of 200 emails per day. There is an hourly limit of 25 emails (the hourly limit is removed when you verify your sender domain). Free accounts are limited to 5 days of email reporting, and 2 weeks of phone and live chat support.

Paid accounts have no hourly limit and your monthly allowance is based on the plan you choose.

Why would we need SMTP2GO?

Every person, and every business, needs a reliable outgoing email service for sending emails. SMTP services offered by webhosts and ISPs are being discontinued, or greatly restricted. They don’t want to run them in the first place, and put the minimum possible amount of resources into their maintenance. When things go bad, you’ll likely be left high and dry, trying to get answers from support staff reading from scripts. 😬

Aside from low quality webhost/ISP services, you theoretically could run your own email servers. However, bear in mind that email delivery is a complex, specialized, and constantly evolving field that really does take years of experience and hours of time every week.

OK, how do I actually send emails?

Setting up SMTP2GO simply involves entering our SMTP server details into the settings of your email software (e.g. Outlook), or your code. To make it easier, we’ve provided setup instructions for most email programs and scripting languages. Click here to view our setup guide.

Is there an API I can use to send emails with?

Of course! Our API enables you to integrate SMTP2GO with your email systems. Using the API, you can send emails, retrieve details of previously sent emails, and even manage various features of your account like Sender Domains, SMTP Users, sub-accounts, suppressed email addresses and domains, and retrieve statistical reports. Detailed documentation on how to use the API is available.

You’ll also have access to our Webhooks. Webhooks are an advanced feature that can notify your web services whenever an event happens in your SMTP2GO account. You can use these events to track what happens to the emails you send. Learn more about webhooks with SMTP2GO.

Will SMTP2GO work even if port 25 is blocked?

Yes – SMTP2GO is open on different SMTP ports (25, 80, 587, 2525, 8025). We recommend using port 2525, which is open from most locations. Try a different port number if port 2525 is blocked at your location.

TLS is available on the same ports, and SSL is available on ports 465 and 8465.

What about attachments? Can they be sent?

Yes – send any attachments, up to 50MB per email.

We have a large mailing list. Can we send to that?

SMTP2GO has strict rules for sending to lists that contain more than 100 email addresses. The following rules must be followed when sending to such lists:

  • Lists must be 100% opted-in. This means that you must have obtained the permission of your recipients to send them emails. Examples of lists that are not allowed are purchased lists, email addresses scoured from the internet, and marketing leads.
  • In addition, lists must be up-to-date, and have had emails sent to them recently (within the previous three months). We closely monitor the percentage of bouncing/invalid email addresses and take action where necessary.
  • An opt-out (unsubscribe) link must be placed at the bottom of each email which will allow the recipients to immediately remove themselves from the list.
  • Emails must not contain content related to the industries mentioned in the terms of service.

Which emailing software is most suitable for sending to mailing lists?

See our recommended software for sending to mailing lists.

What about SPF records and DKIM?

These are handled automatically with the addition of a few simple DNS records. We let you know exactly how these records should appear, directly from your Sender Domains page.

Where are your support staff located?

We’re glad you asked! We provide support around the clock, and have staff across the USA, the UK, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand. We like the idea of being able to talk to someone near you, if you ever need help. Support is available via our online helpdesk, live chat, and phone.

Delivery & Reputation

We need reliability. How reliable is SMTP2GO?

Very! We’ve been in operation since 2006, and handle the outgoing email for over 35,000 senders. We maintain feedback loop relationships with all major email providers (Outlook, AOL etc.) and constantly monitor blacklists to ensure our servers retain the highest possible reputation. We have infrastructure spread around the world, for total redundancy in the rare event that any one part should fail. We monitor the network every minute and any issues or important announcements are shared via our status page.

Should we get a dedicated IP address?

If your account has an allowance of at least 100,000 emails per month, we automatically assign a dedicated IP address to you. Below this email volume, a shared IP address is actually better for email delivery, as you may not be sending a consistent enough volume of emails for recipient ESPs (like Gmail) to judge your reputation. If you send more than 500,000 emails per month we recommend getting a pool of dedicated IP addresses, as some ESPs restrict the number of emails they receive from each IP address. See here for further info.

Is SMTP2GO authenticated and secure?

Yes – SMTP2GO supports all methods of authentication and security (TLS/SSL) used by all major email software.

Does the content of my emails matter for deliverability?

Yes – the golden rule to follow is to only send emails that your recipients are wanting and expecting. As the email world moves towards reputation being attached to domain names rather than IP addresses, it is vital for your domain name’s own reputation that you check your sending practices frequently. We take care of the technical parts of email delivery, but we do have some advice to help stay out of spam folders.

What are the most important stats I need to watch to keep our reputation high?

We know that keeping your eye on statistics and figures is not how you want to spend your time. To make things easy, we’ve put the two most important stats (your bounce rate and spam complaint rate) on the main page of your SMTP2GO dashboard, and grade them so you can instantly see if they are OK. We also have a team of people keeping an eye on things for you – they’ll let you know if any of your stats are looking abnormal.

Billing & Account

What happens if we reach our monthly limit?

We send you notification emails if your account ever reaches 80% and 100% of its monthly allowance. You can send up to three times your monthly allowance, and any extra emails (above your monthly allowance) are simply charged at your account’s additional email rate. You can also upgrade your account at any time to get a higher allowance.

What are your prices like?

You can view all of our prices on the pricing page.

You can always upgrade/downgrade your plan at a later date, so don’t worry about “locking yourself” into one particular plan or another. Note: An email sent to multiple recipients is counted as multiple emails. So if a sender enters five email addresses in their “To:” field, and also enters four other addresses in their “Cc:” field, that counts as sending nine emails.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, and PayPal. If you’re unable to pay with one of those, you can choose to pay via wire transfer or purchase order. It is also possible for those located in the US to pay via ACH transfer or check.

Can we have multiple logins with our account?

Yes – you can set up multiple admin users, and let them either have full administrative access to your account, or just the ability to view reports. You can also set up multiple SMTP users if required.

Do you offer any guarantee?

We provide an industry-leading 100% Service Level Agreement – your emails will be delivered, or you get your money back. In addition, we offer a full 30 day Money-Back guarantee. We operate a strict anti-spam policy which means that we only allow our servers to be used for legitimate purposes. This ensures that our IP addresses stay off blacklists.

If you run into any problems at any stage, our Support Team is available to help and will assist you with any configuration issues you may have.

Ready to get started?

Try SMTP2GO free for as long as you like:

Try SMTP2GO Free → Paid plans available for over 1,000 emails/month.